36 or more Quahogs (Clams)
4 or 5 medium Potatoes
2 Bermuda or 4 or 5 Yellow Onions
Butter or Bacon or Salt Pork Fat
Garlic Powder (NOT Salt) to taste
Black Ground Pepper to taste
Note 1: "Quonny" - A salt water pond off the southern coast of Rhode Island called Quonochontaug.
Note 2: "Quahog" - A clam.
Note 3: This recipe is better if made 1 or 2 days in advance, refrigerated, and then reheated.
If using Pork rind, cut into small pieces and save fat.
Put crisp pieces on paper towel or paper bag to dry.
Fry chopped onion in fat or butter until soft, not brown.
Steam open Quahogs in 2 to 4 C. water.
Shuck Quahogs.
Boil diced potatoes in Quahog water until medium soft.
Dice Quahog meat fine.
Mix all ingredients and bring to boiling point.
Add milk to suit and serve at once.
To thicken, crush milk crackers (saltines) fine (flour is a bother).
Add pork or bacon pieces to each serving.
Use bacon same as pork... Butter only if emergency.